Food, your way

For anyone looking to answer "What's for dinner?", DishTango provides you an easy answer


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Enjoy home-cooked meals
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  • Browse to recipe instructions
  • Cook and dine on a delicious meal

Ingredients: Tomatoes Coconut Rice Lentils Dal Potatoes Garlic Ginger Milk Carrots Flour Oil Salt Chia seeds Cauliflower Onions Butter Eggs Broccoli Plantain Mustard Cumin Yoghurt Maple syrup Vanilla Almonds Ingredients: Cashews Sugar Baking Soda Baking Powder Herbs'n'Spices Ketchup Peas Green Chillies Water Tamarind Cilantro Curry leaves Garam Masala Red Chili Cream of Wheat Ghee Buttermilk Cardamom Soy Sauce Cinnamon Peanut Butter Bread Kidney beans Chick Peas Cloves Brown Sugar Asafoetida Asparagus Hemp Seeds Pine Nuts Chili Powder Oats Celery Balsamic Vinegar Fenugreek Ingredients: Nutmeg Quinoa Cucumbers Saffron Squash Bay Leaf Baby Potatoes Ground coriander Limes Bell Peppers Bananas Yams Cabbage Pasta Apples Grapes Zucchini Jaggery

Help reduce wasted food.

Do your part by using up your groceries on time.

Food Waste: Around the World
Source: Blog

Recipes from several popular websites

Food Network
All Recipes
Big Oven
Betty Crocker
Manjula's Kitchen
Manjula's Kitchen
Manjula's Kitchen
Manjula's Kitchen

(Recipe will always show origin and be viewed on source website.)

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